9 Days Novena to Ecce Homo


+ In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true Man,
our first parents Adam and Eve disobeyed the will of the Father
and so sin and death entered the world.
By your obedience to the will of the Father,
you willingly underwent your Passion and Death
for the salvation of Mankind
and through your glorious Resurrection
has accomplished our redemption.
As we make this Novena,
we remember the many sufferings you have endured for us.
We particularly recall the humiliations you endured
when Pilate abandoned you to the crowd by saying:
“Ecce Homo: Behold the Man you are demanding to be crucified,
I wash my hands of this man’s blood.”
Pilate handed you over to the crowd even though
he knew that you were innocent
and washed his hands to absolve himself of your blood.
Grant O Lord, that amidst the many uncertainties of our life on earth, we may be courageous enough
to stand for what is true and just in our society.
Through your Most Holy Passion,
we beseech you to grant us the graces we need this day:
(mention your petition).
Through your Most Holy Wounds,
heal us of all our infirmities
and give us health of mind, body and soul
and through your Most Glorious Passion,
bring us all to the joys of Paradise.

ecce homo image of Cebu


God our Father, the Augustinian friars planted the first seeds of the Christian Faith in our shores centuries ago. Through their apostolic and missionary zeal, the Faith steadily spread from Cebu to other parts of the Philippines. Grant that we may live our FAITH fully, may it penetrate our thoughts and our way of doing things and through the merits of your Son’s Most Holy Passion, grant our petitions and bring us to the glory of His Resurrection. Amen.

Litany to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ…

God our Father, with Saint Augustine we say that you have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in you. Give us the virtue of HOPE so that we may always yearn for that day when our restless hearts may finally find its peace on you. We beg you to always give us hope for a better world, a better life and a better future and through the merits of your Son’s Most Holy Passion, grant our petitions and bring us to the glory of His Resurrection. Amen.

Litany to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ…

God our Father, on this third day of our Novena, give us integrity of mind and heart, between our Christian Faith and our daily lives. May we become Christians not in name only but also by our words, thoughts and actions, in our morals and especially with our dealings with our brothers and sisters and through the merits of your Son’s Most Holy Passion, grant our petitions and bring us to the glory of His Resurrection. Amen.

Litany to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ…

God our Father, your only Son our Lord Jesus Christ, was obedient to your will. He was obedient even unto death, death on the Cross. Give us the grace to listen to your Word and act on it in our lives. Make us obedient to your will because in it is our true freedom and happiness and through the merits of your Son’s Most Holy Passion, grant our petitions and bring us to the glory of His Resurrection. Amen.

Litany to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ…

God our Father, Jesus Christ, your Son taught us to forgive seventy times seven times. You also forgive us like that – seventy times seven times. Your forgiveness is limitless and your mercy is as vast as the ocean. Make us realize the depth of your everlasting mercy and our absolute dependence on it on every moment of our lives and through the merits of your Son’s Most Holy Passion, grant our petitions and bring us to the glory of His Resurrection. Amen.

Litany to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ…

God our Father, Jesus Christ taught us how to pray. He taught us to call you Our Father. And so daily in the Holy Mass, we your children dare to call you Our Father and ask for all the things we need. Father, give us our daily bread and that is enough for us and through the merits of your Son’s Most Holy Passion, grant our petitions and bring us to the glory of His Resurrection. Amen.

Litany to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ…

God our Father, Jesus Christ taught us to keep our religious acts secret and to guard ourselves against doing things for others to see. Teach us to always renew ourselves interiorly and to show it outwardly by our love and concern for our brothers and sisters and through the merits of your Son’s Most Holy Passion, grant our petitions and bring us to the glory of His Resurrection. Amen.

Litany to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ…

God our Father, when your Son was scourged in the pillar, crowned with thorns and crucified, he showed remarkable patience. All throughout his Passion and Death, your Son suffered in silence, surrendering his very life to your Fatherly love. Be patient with us Lord when we complain about life’s misfortunes. Be patient with us Lord when we grumble about the many evils that befall us and through the merits of your Son’s Most Holy Passion, grant our petitions and bring us to the glory of His Resurrection. Amen.

Litany to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ…

God our Father, no one can surpass your love for us your children. You created us and all the wonderful things around us. When we turned our back on your love, you sent your only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, to reveal to us once again your everlasting love which he proved by dying for us on the Cross while we were yet sinners. Give us that flaming charity so that we may mirror our love for you through our service and love for our brothers and sisters regardless of their beliefs, color or nationality and through the merits of your Son’s Most Holy Passion, grant our petitions and bring us to the glory of His Resurrection. Amen.

Litany to the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ…


Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God, the Father in heaven, have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.

Jesus, brought before Annas and Caiphas, have mercy on us.
Jesus, accused by false witnesses, have mercy on us.
Jesus, declared guilty of death, have mercy on us.
Jesus, thrice denied by Peter, have mercy on us.
Jesus, delivered up to Pilate, have mercy on us.
Jesus, despised and mocked by Herod, have mercy on us.
Jesus, clothed in a white garment, have mercy on us.
Jesus, rejected for Barabbas, have mercy on us.
Jesus, torn with scourges, have mercy on us.
Jesus, bruised for our sin, have mercy on us.
Jesus, crowned with thorns, have mercy on us.
Jesus, demanded for crucifixion by the Jews, have mercy on us.
Jesus, loaded with the heavy weight of the Cross, have mercy on us.
Jesus, led like a sheep to the slaughter, have mercy on us.
Jesus, stripped of Thy garments, have mercy on us.
Jesus, fastened with nails to the cross, have mercy on us.
Jesus, promising Paradise to the penitent thief, have mercy on us.
Jesus, commending the beloved disciple to Thy Mother as her son, have mercy on us.
Jesus, obedient even to the death of the Cross, have mercy on us.
Jesus, pierced with a lance, have mercy on us.
Jesus, taken down from the Cross, have mercy on us.
Jesus, laid in the sepulcher, have mercy on us.
Jesus, rising gloriously from the dead, have mercy on us.
Jesus, ascending into Heaven, have mercy on us.
Jesus, our advocate with the Father, have mercy on us.
Jesus, who will come to judge the living and the dead, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord.

Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

V. We adore you, O Christ, and praise you:
R. Because by the Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.


Almighty and eternal God, who has appointed your only-begotten Son to be the Savior of the world through his Passion, Death and Resurrection, grant that we may so venerate this price of our salvation, and by its might be so defended upon on earth from the evils of this present life, that in Heaven we may rejoice in its everlasting fruit. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.


Lord Jesus Christ, you are the Sinless Innocent One, yet you willingly took upon yourself all the sins of humanity: past, present and future. For our sake, you willingly accepted death, death on the Cross. You are our Merciful Savior, who unlike Pilate, will not wash your hands of us nor will you condemn us. Look upon us poor sinners who humbly beg for your forgiveness for our many sins and iniquities. Grant that we may be merciful and compassionate to our fellowmen as you are merciful and compassionate to us. Look upon us redeemed by your Most Precious Blood and saved by your loving obedience to the will of the Father: grant that we too, following your example, may be obedient and open to the will of the Father in heaven. Grant the prayers and petitions that we, your brothers and sisters, present to you this day. At the end of our journey here on earth, may we be numbered among the saints and blessed in heaven where you live and reign together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.


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