Submission Form

God knows you and he has a plan for your life.
We love your privacy, email address will not be published.
A headline for your prayer.
What do you intend us to Pray? Write in English, Tagalog or Cebuano. God knows what you are going through. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few - Ecclesiastes 5:2. Every Prayer Request is subject for review & moderation. We don't accept a prayer request with curses, hexes, vexes, witchcraft, and the like.

We believe that prayer, talking with God, changes things. Sometimes it changes us, sometimes it changes the situation. Sometimes these changes are huge, sometimes they are subtle.

Common prayer requests include prayers for healing, health, love, relationships, money, debt, children, jobs, education and other worries.

There is no charge for this service. We the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu devoted to pray for your petitions.

Philippians 4:6
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.


Full healing and recovery

I offer this prayer for a full healing and recovery of my leg operation And praying na makalakaw na unta ko with crutches.

From:Arthur Taan
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of July dedicated to The Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu please, as they have been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu have been chosen by God as God’s leaders and proponents of doing God’s will in Holy Love. Both President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu are being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025


Pray for the Diocese of Chanthaburi, Thailand. May God’s chosen be seated as bishop. As quickly as possible, best wishes to Christians. God, have mercy.

From:Yingyos Teapthong
January 3, 2025


the grace to forgive, house and lot deliverance, restoration of health, good health to madrona, to pay debts, conversion of cheryle carpinco, florence carpinco, joel quinanola, ramil quinanola. franky quinanola, jason vizcara, melogyn nevales, zoya tojeno, dante tojeno, marilyn cantiga, jaymar cantiga sr, m for the repose of souls of roy paduganan, juliet ello, fiona, mario llamas, fernando llamas, soledad, charles, hilario sr, teresita llamas

From:hilario n. llamas jr
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy feast day of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ on July 1st. Happy month of July dedicated to The Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu please, as they have been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu have been chosen by God as God’s leaders and proponents of doing God’s will in Holy Love. Both President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu are being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

Good health results

Praying for a good health results (cbc and urinalysis) this month. Thank you.

From:Giselle Ong
January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Pamisa alang sa kalag

Pamisa alang sa kalag nila ni:

Ma. Morgan
Ma. Victoria
Rey Ian

January 3, 2025

Prayer for Career and Love

I have been applying for different universities to be a lecturer/asst professor as I have recently finished my MA. I am hoping to land a job in Thailand. I am hoping that you can pray with me. I know that teaching is really my calling and this is how I know I can best serve the Lord.

I also pray that in this season of my life I meet the person I will spend the rest of my life with. Hoping to meet God’s best for me.

From:Allan Solacito
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu please, as they have been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu have been chosen by God as God’s leaders and proponents of doing God’s will in Holy Love. Both President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu are being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request

Please pray That The Santo Nino De Cebu will perpetually intercede for and Protect and Bless All of my family members and relatives and loved ones and Friends and enemies especially All of The Children in All Matters Amen.

From:Mr Angel
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy Solemnity of Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu please, as they have been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu have been chosen by God as God’s leaders and proponents of doing God’s will in Holy Love. Both President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu are being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

Prayer for Financial Blessings

Praying to settle financial obligations an be debt-free.💛💛💛

From:Cristina A. Agnote
January 3, 2025

Prayers for Souls

For the souls of:


From:Celine Rodrigo and Family
January 3, 2025

Prayer for my Husband

Dear Sr Sto. Niño,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I am writing to you today with a heavy heart, seeking your prayers and support for my husband, Pryde Henry Teves who is currently facing unjust allegations of terrorism.

The accusations against him are not only false but also deeply hurtful to our family and all those who know his true character.

Despite these challenges, we remain steadfast in our faith and hope for a just resolution.

We humbly ask for your prayers during this difficult time. Your spiritual support would mean the world to us as we navigate through this ordeal. We believe in the power of prayer and the strength it provides to those in need. We trust that with the Lord’s guidance and your intercession, we can find the strength to endure and ultimately overcome this trial.

Thank you for taking the time to read our petition. Your prayers and support are deeply appreciated. May God bless you all for your kindness and compassion. -Zonna

From:Zonna Teves
January 3, 2025

Recovery and Healing

Praying for a negative biopsy result and fast healing and recovery. Diagnosis will not be a serious disease or illness. Amen.

From:Edcel Joy Marquez
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu please, as they have been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu have been chosen by God as God’s leaders and proponents of doing God’s will in Holy Love. Both President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu are being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Prayer for My Family

I come to you Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ to pray and lift everything to you that everything will be okay and better, Lord God. I pray for your mercy and salvation Lord God Jesus Christ para sa akoa family nga maluwas nami sa amoa mga problema, bayrunon og mga utang. Please help us Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ nga dili nami maglisod sa akoa family; Kuya, Mama, Ayesha, Ayeina, Tito, Ako and Cassie nga pirmi himsog, baskog, maayong panglawas and healthy. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ nga dili masakit, malayo sa mga sakit,disgrasya, trahedya, dili maayong mga butang og temptation. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ that may you always and guide help us nga ma overcome namo tanan problema nga giatubang namo karon Ginoo, tanan kalisod og kasakit. I pray Snr. Sto. Niño that may you always guide, help and protect my family always. Please Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ sa akoa family nga dili nami maglisod, I pray for financial blessings and help na mabayaran namo og maluwas nami sa amoa mga utang og bayrunon. I pray for my family’s financial stability, financial blessings, spiritual, physical and mental health. I pray for my family’s prosperity, shower with abundant blessings, genuine happiness, peace of mind and mental health. I pray for my family’s complete healing fast recovery Lord God Jesus Christ. HAVE MERCY ON US LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST… I pray that may everything will be okay and better nga that only good things will happen sa akoa family. Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ mahurot unta pirmi amoa baligya. Please guide and help my Kuya always, Snr. Sto. Niño please ayaw pasagdi ako kuya, Ginoo. I pray na mabalik na akoa kuya sa amoa nga everyday na siya mo videocall and chat. This all I ask and pray in your name. Amen..

From:Shydee Mariano
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu please, as they have been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu have been chosen by God as God’s leaders and proponents of doing God’s will in Holy Love. Both President Trump and Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu are being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

For Health and Business

Dear Sto. Niño iampo nko na maayong panglawas ako og akong pamilya. Makahuman mi sa among masteral sa Holycross og malampasan namo ang pagsubok og ikaw na bahala asa mi nimo dal on. Ipadayon unta imong guidance sa akong pagtudlo sa akong mga students sa umaabot na school years. Mahuman na unta karong tuiga ang pagbayad sa mga utang. Maayong og lawas sa tanang mag travel og makahuman tanan akong mga pamangkin sa pagskwela og makatrabaho puhon2. Salamat sa grasyang nadawat namo kanunay. Tagae kog kabaskog og mahabang pasensiya og maging kugihan pa sa pagtudlo sa akong mga bata.

From:Rosemarie Quiño
January 3, 2025


heat and Jap Issues. Tus.

January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Prayer for Successful Conduct of Research

Magal na Panginoong Sto. Niño, ako po ay mapagkumbabang dumudulog sa inyo para maiparating ang kahilingan ng aking puso sa Ama. Nagpapasalamat po ako sa patuloy na paggabay sa akin at sa aking pamilya sa araw-araw. Sa lahat ng biyaya at pagpapala. Sa mga pagsubok na nagpapatatag sa aking/aming pananampalataya. Kapatawaran po sa paulit ulit na pagkakasala at pagkukulang kong nagagawa sa Iyo maging sa aking kapwa. Patawad dahil masakit man pong aminin, dumudulog lamang sa Inyo kapag may problema. Patawad po.. patawad. Patawad sa mga pagkakataon na nakadepende ako sa sarili kong kakayahan at hindi sa Iyo. Patawad dahil masyado akong nagangamba sa mga bagay na hindi ko kontrolado. Patawad dahil nakakalimot ako na nariyan ka, Ama na gumagabay at kumikilos para sa akin. Lahat po ng papuri at pasasalamat sa Sayo lamang. Haplusin Mo po nawa ang puso at isip ng mga taong kailangan ko para sa ikatatagumpay ng aking research. Tulungan Mo po ako na makolekta ang mga kinakailangan kong datos, at madepensahan ito sa panel sa tulong ng karunugang manggagaling Sayo. Hindi ko po kaya ng wala ang tulong at gabay Mo. Kapanatagan din po ng puso at isip ang ibigay nyo sa akin na alam ko na kumikilos rin kayo para sa akin. Kaawaan Mo po ako Panginoon. Para po ito sa ikadadakila ng Iyong pangalan at para sa aking mga magulang.


From:Pauline Salazar
January 3, 2025

Perpetual novena to senior sto

Pagalingin Po si Carina Martinez sa kanyanhg hemorrhoid Wala Po siyang pampa opera Madalas Po Ang pagdurigo n

From:Rafaela Balani
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

Prayer for Urgent Financial Help for my Family

I pray to you Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ for my family; Kuya, Mama, Ayesha, Ayeina, Ako, Tito and Cassie that may you always bless us and shower us with your abundant blessings. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ nga makalingkawas na akoa Famliy sa mga problema na amoa naagian karon nga dili nami maglisod. I pray Snr. Sto. Niño for my family’s financial blessings and help nga naa mo abot nga financial namo karon na mabayaran na namo tanan bayrunon og utang Lord God Jesus Christ. Please help my family and me, Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ. I pray for my family financial stability, financial blessings, spiritual, physical and mental stability. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my family’s prosperity, shower with your abundant blessings, genuine happiness, peace of mind and mental health. I pray that everything will be okay for my family, everything will be better. I pray for better days that only good things will happen to my family. I pray Snr. Sto. Niño for your mercy and salvation, this all I ask and pray in your name. Amen.

From:Shydee Mariano
January 3, 2025

Prayer for Eternal Repose of my Father Francisco Vivares Jr.

My father’s first death anniversary is on July 5 2024 and I would like to offer a 9 day novena for him starting on June 27. I wish to pray for his eternal repose that God will receive him with open arms in heaven.

From:Abigael Seville
January 3, 2025

Healing and Miracle

Praying for negative result of biopsy and safe and smooth procedure. Healing and repair of every damage cells and organs in the body of the entire family. Protection and provision.

From:Edcel Joy Marquez
January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy Solemnity of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist on June 24th. Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

Pamisa sa kalag

Pamisa alang sa kalag nila ni:

Ma. Morgan
Ma. Victoria
Rey Ian

January 3, 2025

healing & restoration

Prayers for Mads’ enlightenment, wisdom, discernment & increase of faith & trust in God. May Mads not lean on his own understanding but seek God’s help & have godly counsels. For Mads to be able to know God deeper & who God truly is.
Prayers for my relationship with Mads to be healed & restored. May God finally pave the way for us to be together, be reunited, & lead us to marriage.
Prayers for my son’s guidance in college & to be able to finish college.
Prayers for financial help to pay off our debts & pay for our expenses, needs & wants, especially to be able to pay my son’s tuition fee & other school needs.
Prayers for Jia & Ivo to straighten their paths & have the right support & guidance.
Pray for my parents’ good health & strength.
In Jesus’ Mighty name I ask. Amen.

From:kathleen za
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Healing and Miracle

Praying for negative biopsy result of Joy Marquez. Safe and smooth procedure. Healing and repair of damage cells and organs in our bodies for the entire family. Provision and close deals for properties. Praying for peace of mind, free from worry, fear, anxiety. Amen.

From:Edcel Joy Marquez
January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

Prayer Request for a positive result of the Principal’s Exam

Prayer intention for the Lord’s blessings upon Jan Ernie Nepomuceno to grant him a successful outcome in the Principal’s Exam and bless him with the opportunity to lead with wisdom and grace. Amen.”

From:Jan Ernie Nepomuceno
January 3, 2025

Success in A level examination

Thanksgiving for all the blessings and graces that God bestowed to my family.
For the success of daughter Rheena Josephane Enriquez on her A level examinations and that she will be accepted in the Dental University this September.

From:Mary Alna Enriquez
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

Prayer for My Family

Snr. Sto. Niño our Lord God Jesus Christ, I come to you to pray for my family; Kuya, Mama, Ayesha, Ayeina, Tito, Ako and Cassie that may you always bless us and shower us with your abundant blessings. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ that may everything will be okay, be better sa akoa family nga makalingkawas nami ani amoa mga problema nga giatubang karon Ginoo. I pray for your mercy, guidance and help Lord God Jesus Christ for my family’s genuine happiness, peace of mind and mental help. Snr. Sto. Niño please help my family sa amoa giatubang nga financial problem karon nga naa lang unta maabot nga kwarta na mabayaran na namo o nako tanan utang og bayrunon, malooy ka Snr. Sto. Niño. I pray for my family’s complete healing and fast recovery nga pirmi himsog, baskog, maayong panglawas and healthy akoa pamilya. I pray nga malayo og dili masakit, malayo sa disgrasya, trahedya, di maayong mga butang og temptation. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ that may you always guide, help, protect and keep us safe. I pray Snr. Sto. Niño our Lord God Jesus Christ that may this day and the days to come, may this month and the months to come, and may this year and the years to come that everything will be better. Malooy ka namo Ginoo, ikaw ra jud makatabang ka namo for you make this possible. Lord God Jesus Christ please ayaw pasagdi akoa kuya, guide and help him sa iyaha pagpanarbaho didto sa lain lugar and lead him always to the right direction and path that may he will always choose unsa ang maayo og sakto. Please touch his heart Lord God Jesus Christ nga mabalik na siya sa amoa. Please help us Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ, please listen to our prayers. This all we ask in your name, Amen.

From:Shydee Mariano
January 3, 2025

healing and financial

deliverance of house and lot, protection from all evils, healing of heart and liver ailment, good health to madrona, to pay a huge land tax debt, forgiveness of sins, conversion of cheryle carpin co, florence carpinco, marie orange tojeno, zoya tojeno, dante tojeno, jason vizcaya, melogyn vizcaya, jaymar cantiga sr, marilyn cantiga, elena mae cantiga, rey christopher sasuman, trinidad sasuman, for the repose of souls of mario llamas, fernando llamas, soledad nailes, hilario opena llamas sr,. roy paduganan, redempta reyes, alan llamedo

From:hilario n. llamas jr .
January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

cgfns visa screen

Lord please help me for my cgfns visa screen certificate and to my US application, please grant my prayer for my PWD approval from dept of labor and to start i-140 petition, please guide me and strenghten my faith. amen

From:kent raymart yeban yap
January 3, 2025

Total healing for guilbert

Senior Sto Nino de Cebu maawa ka pagalingin mo si guilbert sa kanyang kidney recovery at sa kanyang operations……Sana pag balik namin sa CDO bigyan mo kami ng milagro na wala na ang kanyqng mga kidney stone…..maawa ka senior sto Nino….

January 3, 2025


Salamat Senior Sto Nino sa mga grasya nga nadawat ug sa padayon nga pag giya ug pagpanalipod sa amoang pamilya laban sa mga sakit ug katalagman ug disgrasya.

From:Christine Bristol
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For my daughter,
Loreen Margaret G. Julkarnain for guidance & wisdom/ knowledge to be able to pass the NCLEX Exam this coming July 3,2024 @ 8AM. in Saskatchewan, Canada.

From:Greta Galan
January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Healing and Miracle

Praying for safe and smooth procedure and negative (non cancerous) biopsy result. Praying for healing and repair of every damage cells and organs in our body for the entire family. Praying for provision.

Praying for the souls of Cecilia, Ceasaria, Eufrosino, Alfonso, Carmen, Virgilio, Eleazar, Cita, Eric, Melissa, Paul, Esil.

From:Edcel Joy Marquez
January 3, 2025

Prayer for Exam

Sr. Sto Niño, please assist me with my upcoming PhD Qualifying examination on June 28, 2024. I pray to pass this exam and become a PhD candidate.

From:Carl Jay
January 3, 2025

Prayer for peace

St.Santo Niñio ipag pray ko na sa lahat ng pagsubok na dumadating sa akin ngayun lalo na iton marriage ko na maaga na wawasak dhil niloloko ako ng asawa kong lalaki..sana matauhan ang asawa ko kong bakit ginaganyan niya ako ..ikw na panginoon santo niñio ang bahala sa asawa ko na c allan L. Galolo sa ginawa niya sa akin masakit man na akoy lolokohin niya peru tatanggapin ko nalang balang araw maging ma ok din ako…ipag pray ko na sana may karma din dadating sa asawa ko…amen

From:Lis emz
January 3, 2025

Prayer for the soul of Judith L. Martinez

Death Anniversary – Dr. Judith L. Martinez

From:Rotela Garnette Lumjod
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025




From:Eirene Reario
January 3, 2025

Find a suitable Marketing Job

Dear Sto. Nino de Cebu, thank you for helping my Mom heal from cancer.

I ask for your urgent assistance to help me find a suitable marketing job which will allow me to learn and grow digital marketing skills. I pray that I will find a hybrid job that’s closer to home with a nice and supportive boss who will help me grow. I hope this time, I will have a better relationship with the bosses and colleagues. I hope to find a job with career growth opportunity and great financial and health benefits.

Thank you Lord Jesus. Thank you for your assistance. Thank you Sto. Nino. I love you. Please answer my prayer during this time of need. Amen.

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Prayer for Financial Help and Blessings

Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ, I come to you to pray for my family: Kuya, Mama, Ayesha, Ayeina, Ate, Tito, Ako and Cassie’s financial blessings and financial help. I pray nga dili na magkalisod akoa family, Lord God Jesus Christ nga maabot na unta ang financial help and blessings. Tagae mi kwarta Ginoo na mabayaran nga unta tanan namo mga utang ug bayaron na impas na namo. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ nga naa lang maabot sa amoa good news nga dugay na kaau namo giampo sincerely sa imoha. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ nga makabalay nami sa akoa family og makatukod negosyo. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my family’s financial stability, financial blessings, spiritual, physical, mental and emotional blessings. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Chirst for my family’s prosperity, shower with abundant blessings, genuine happiness, good health, long and stable life, guidance, help, protection that may you always keep us safe. Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ have mercy on us, makalingkawas na unta mi Ginoo sa amoa kalisod. I pray for my family’s complete healing and fast recovery. I pray nga pirmi himsog, baskog, maayong panglawas and healthy.I pray nga dili masakit, malayo sa mga sakit, disgrasya, trahedya, dili maayong mga butang og temptation.I pray for your mercy and help Lord God Jesus Christ that everything will be okay, everything will be better.. I pray for better days Lord God Jesus Christ. Please Lord God Jesus I pray that may you always, guide, help, protect and keep us safe. Lord God Jesus Christ, I pray that everything will be okay tabangi mi sa amoa mga problema Ginoo nga amoa ma overcome. Please Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ, this all I ask and pray in your name. Amen.

From:Shydee Mariano
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.

Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Prayers for Healing and Peace of Mind

Praying for a negative (non-cancerous) biopsy result and smooth and safe procedure. Healing and repair of any damage cells and organs in the body of the entire family. Praying for peace of mind, free from worries, fear and anxiety.

From:Edcel Joy Marquez
January 3, 2025

Successful Program Advancement Readiness Test Results

Please pray for my successful exam results that I pray God bless my answers and those answers bear fruitful results that I’ll be able to attain excellent results. Amen

From:Mary Rose M Bucog
January 3, 2025


Anna Katrina Daria Trinidad (UTI, myoma fibroids, adenomyoma & endometriosis, hypertension, anemic, fertility, baby girl),
Chris Austin Tormon Trinidad,
Phillip Dominick Notarte (TB),
Florencio Galvez Daria (Gout, CKD, hypertension, remove VICES, healed RELATIONSHIPS with CHILDREN & grandchildren),
Kaleb Andres Daria (allergies, malnutrition),
Dennis Alessandre Daria (TB, anemic, hemorrhoid, depression, chickenpox),
Alicia Blanco Martinez (Breast Cancer),
Diana Daria Notarte (PCOS, fertility baby boy)
Ernesto Sonny Trinidad (Gout, kidney),
Armi Tormon Trinidad,
Raceli Bobbie Martinez (PCOS),
Lee Ann Blanco,
Allan Paul Daria,
Dyan Maurice Fidel,
Alexander Blanco,
Arnulfo Blanco,
Marietta Albano,
Myren Albano,
Susana Pastoral,
Romula Silan,
Rebecca Trinidad Ortega,
Ian Brix Cabusao
Marilou Daria Placedes
Rowell Wilfredo Daria
Fr Jerry Orbos

Kaleb Andres Daria
Francis Miguel Daria
Marcus Bernard Ojeda
Brienne Emanuelle Ojeda

Anna Katrina Daria Trinidad,
Chris Austin Trinidad,
Allan Paul Daria,
Dyan Maurice Fidel,
Diana Daria Notarte,
Phillip Dominick Notarte,
Donelle Trinidad (PR in SG),
Shermaine Lam;
Ernesto Sonny Trinidad,
Florencio Galvez Daria,
Myren Albano
Roice Arbie Pia Martinez (Pass CPA Board Exams)
PDR Team
ON Manila Sales Ops Team
Oracle Sales Ops and Marketing Team
Alex McComber
Edward Indradjaja
Karen Russillo

DARIA-TRINIDAD Family – to be able to find our favorable and sustainable permanent home/lovenest with safe and friendly neighborhood

ANNA KATRINA TRINIDAD – Good health, complete healing and fertility, conceive a baby girl. Happy and blessed marriage. PROMOTION at work and huge salary increase. FREEDOM from debts and loans and have decent savings. Have FUNDS to RENOVATE and repair our ANCESTRAL HOME at Road 5. Stable career, good parenting and happy motherhood. Learn to COOK delicious meals. Travel more and happy memories with family.

CHRIS AUSTIN TORMON TRINIDAD – Good health, complete healing and fertility, a cute healthy baby girl. Happy and blessed marriage. PROMOTION at work and huge salary increase. Stable career, good parenting and happy fatherhood. FREEDOM from debts and loans and have decent savings. Travel more and happy memories with family.

ALLAN PAUL BLANCO DARIA – Good parenting and relationship with children, responsibility and credibility, happiness, blessed relationships especially with Dyan Maurice Fidel, good health, stable income and success in life. Become a Barangay Kagawad at 787. Live a long blessed life.

DIANA DARIA NOTARTE – Complete healing and conceive a healthy baby boy, promotion to QA / Team Manager and salary increase, blessed marriage with Phillip Dominick Notarte, and good true friends.

DENNIS ALESSANDRE DARIA – Graduate from SAS K-12. Get HIRED and learn to earn. Good career and business. Go to DLSU and become basketball varsity. Good physical and mental health. True good friends and happy long life! Travel more and happy memories with family!

ANTONIO GABRIEL DARIA and FRANCIS MIGUEL DARIA – Good health, good grades in school, become more RESPECTFUL and disciplined, have good relationship with FATHER and memorable happy childhood.

KALEB ANDRES DARIA – Enroll in DON BOSCO SCHOOL. Good health, good grades in school, become more RESPECTFUL and disciplined, LEARN to EAT RICE and have good NUTRITION, have good relationship with FATHER and memorable happy childhood.

FLORENCIO GALVEZ DARIA – Good health, complete healing and positive mental health. Have work and stable monthly income. Good parenting and good relationship with children and grandchildren. FREEDOM from vices and victim mentality. REPENT and SERVE as Lay Minister in SPX Parish. Positive outlook. Long happy life and experience to travel with family.

DONNELL TRINIDAD – Good career and promotion. Approved Permanent Residency in Singapore. Good mental health.

Aida Blanco Daria,
Pegnincia Daria,
Florentino Daria,
Honorio Placedes,
Sulpicio Blanco,
Amparo Blanco,
Alberto Blanco,
Juan Pastoral,
Segunda Pastoral,
Segundo Pastoral,
Jerome Pastoral,
Moises John Paolo Pastoral,
Federico Pastoral,
Lydia Pastoral,
Bernard Pastoral,
George Earl Ojeda,
Carmen Ojeda,
Laureana Silan,
Purificacion Silan,
Mary Grace Blanco,
Mary Bernadeth Blanco,
Zenaida Blanco,
Amelia Blanco,
Eleuterio Martinez,
Felisa Martinez,
Marciano Navarrette,
Edgardo Pagaduan,
Luis Menor,
Adela Menor,
Charliemaigne Pastoral,
Virgilio Cleofas;
Mark Mikhail Mamuad,
Ismaela Molina,
Lydia Molina
Reynaldo Blanco,
Silveria Blanco Ricardo
Fulgencio Ricardo
Bienvenida Mendiola,
Rodrigo Mendiola,
Sofronia Daliva,
Lorenzo Bellosilo,
Oscar Bernales,
Ananias Blanco,
Anadel Blanco Paez,
Rolando Castada,
Eduardo Garcia Cabuenos,
Dolores Saranillas Cabuenos,
Orlando Saranillas Sr.,
Orlando Saranillas Jr.,
Celersina Saranillas,
Rizaldy Saranillas,
Manuel Fernandez,
Milagros Rasdas,
Carlyle Angelo Robles,
Laurence Pla
Angelina Calasin Viray

January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for EE, MPDNHFFAA, THTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. MFFSCSNFAA. MTHTTBDPDIN. TBTGAAM. MTHBDCMBPTMNHFFAA. MPDNHFTFFAA. MDWIMBYAMCHRAA. OENPTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. TTTVFWVMPVEMBLIAAMTHBD PTMNICTFHFFAA, AMMMBLENAPMAMUSTHBDNHFFAA, AMMMBMPTMNHFFAA, THBDPDNHFFAA, holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

Healing of Isaiah Nich Mariano from Autism

Prayer for Total and Complete Healing of my son, Isaiah Nich Mariano from Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sensorial Issues. Please pray for my son that he will be healed and shall live a normal life. May God bless us.🙏❤️

From:Lynde C. Mariano
January 3, 2025

Pamisa alang sa kalag

Pamisa alang sa kalag nila ni:

Ma. Morgan
Ma. Victoria
Rey Ian

January 3, 2025


Please have mercy on Mrs. Sanom Chachawna, who was involved in an accident and is being treated in the ICU to recover as quickly as possible. This is the Majesty’s Reliance on Christ, amen.

From:Yingyos Teapthong
January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for EE, MPDNHFFAA, THTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. MFFSCSNFAA. MTHTTBDPDIN. TBTGAAM. MTHBDCMBPTMNHFFAA. MPDNHFTFFAA. MDWIMBYAMCHRAA. OENPTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. TTTVFWVMPVEMBLIAAMTHBD PTMNICTFHFFAA, AMMMBLENAPMAMUSTHBDNHFFAA, AMMMBMPTMNHFFAA, THBDPDNHFFAA, holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

forgiveness and intentions

forgiveness of sin, lack of faith and devotion. believing in divination, praying/asking dead relatives for help.

praying for success in my career, financial freedom, breakthrough.

From:mj baton
January 3, 2025

Prayer for the Souls

Lord, may You grant their souls everlasting peace and happiness. Please forgive their sins and accept them to Your Kingdom. Prayer for the souls of:
1. Leona Nistal
2. Crescenciano Aranjuez
3. Hermogina Aranjuez
4. Cirilo Aranjuez
5. Antonio Aranjuez
6. Tirso Boloron
7. Eden Boloron

From:Jennifer Boloron
January 3, 2025

Full recovery

I offer this prayer for a full recovery from my leg operation due to motor accident. And I also ask that I can walk and get back to my normal life and condition.

From:Arthur Taan
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for EE, MPDNHFFAA, THTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. MFFSCSNFAA. MTHTTBDPDIN. TBTGAAM. MTHBDCMBPTMNHFFAA. MPDNHFTFFAA. MDWIMBYAMCHRAA. OENPTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. TTTVFWVMPVEMBLIAAMTHBD PTMNICTFHFFAA, AMMMBLENAPMAMUSTHBDNHFFAA, AMMMBMPTMNHFFAA, THBDPDNHFFAA, holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Litany of Special Prayer Intentions:

1. That the Religious Community, Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary (MIC) be always blessed with profound and enduring holiness, purity, and faithfulness, so this Religious Congregation and all the members always be Christ’s Light in the world, and may the Lord gift this community with increased numbers and merit, and that it be one of His sparks of His Divine Mercy, so God’s message of Love and Mercy reaches many people and brings many people to conversion and back to Jesus, and so that many people be saved.

2. That the National Shrine of The Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts USA, be graced to be a place of conversion and healing and may all those that live here, work here and visit here, and even those that pray for us or watch videos or livestream Masses be given unfailing and ongoing fortitude, faith, hope, charity, and conversion, and all of us also receive now and always the Seal of God, so all of us be marked for the Heavenly Kingdom, and be brought to heaven one day and may all of us through Mother Mary also bring many to Heaven with us too, so that the devil be emptyhanded. May the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche and many other Catholic Shrines and Catholic Religious Communities receive similar and powerful graces too.

3. That Annie receive abundant healing and through the intercession of Saint Stanislaus Papczyński, gets pregnant very soon and goes to term, and gives a very healthy birth.

4. For the end of the Covid virus and other viruses and planned pandemics, and for the end of impurity, immorality and corruption within the Church and the whole world, so that Christ’s Peace, and Joy, and Light reign in the world, Church, and all peoples’ hearts.

5. That I be graced with a double portion of Saints Martin de Porres’, Therese of Lisieux’s, and Padre Pio’s spirit, that what St Philomena was for St John Vianney, St Therese the Little Flower will be for me, Brother Alexander Chung, MIC, so I may be Jesus’ Light for all people and bring many people to heaven with me one day, and that I be blessed now and always to be one of Saint Therese of Lisieux’s little souls, so that I be among her little army of souls, and be graced with final perseverance, and be with St Therese, The Little Flower in heaven one day to continue her work from there too.

6. For the complete healing of Maureen Amirault, Linda Kratka, Caroline Marie Gavin, and Mario Costanza, and for all their spiritual and temporal needs and intentions.

7. That Brother Alexander Chung, MIC be graced, now, forever, and always, with the gifts of a mystical Immaculate conception, Incarnation, Consecration to and Union with Mother Mary, Seal of The Living God, Living In The Divine Will, so to be always knowing and acting in and accomplishing the Will of God, and Eunuch, so that he always is perfectly and invincibly chaste, and that he be always very compassionate and very passionate, yet never to be sexually aroused, and may all these gifts be unfailing, perfect, everlasting and eternal, continually increasing, and in ceaseless ongoing perpetuity, now, forever, and always. May Brother Alexander Chung, MIC also now, forever, and always, continue to grow in faith, hope, charity, trust, peace, humility, prudence, zeal, fortitude, honesty, longsuffering, joy, gentleness, simplicity, patience, clarity, succinctness, firmness and steadfastness, perseverance, and in holiness, and may he persevere to the end, and always be Jesus’ Light for others, so by God’s Graces and Mercy, he brings many with him to heaven one.

8. For the end of the culture of death, so that the culture of life powerfully flourish in the world, that planned parenthood be miraculously transformed to become and remain a very powerful, abundant, and growing institute of life for the Roman Catholic Church, and for the purity and sanctity of sacramental marriage, the Church, all mankind, and the world.

9. In honor of Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face Martin, we pray that in heaven she now and always receives more graces, so that she may continue to shower more flowers and more powerful graces upon the Church, the world, and on all people now and always, and may those graces and flowers always have more powerful effects on the Church, the world, and on all of us.

10. That many more people consecrate themselves to the Blessed Virgin Mary and that all those consecrated to her become a little soul of St Therese and a spiritual child of St Padre Pio, and be also brought to heaven. May all those consecrated to Mother Mary also become Jesus’ perpetual and unfailing light, so that Satan be rebuked from the face of the earth, so all people convert and be brought to heaven too.

11. For all the souls in purgatory, the salvation of all the dying, and the conversions of all people, and for the repose of the souls of Dorothy A. Tudjan, Rachael Sydney Schopp, Vincent Chung, Inez Chung, Franz Bydlinski, Deborah Binder, John Paul Tomeny, Brittany Maynard, Marc Massery, Christina Maria Barone, Christopher Eric Hitchens, Amelia of Fatima, Rudolf Höss, Henry Morgentaler, Mother Mary Angelica of the Annunciation, PCPA, Brother Donald Schaefer, MIC, Fathers George Kosicki, CSB, Joseph Kane, OMI, Fernando Suarez, Benedict Groeschel, CFR, Michael Scanlan, TOR, Seraphim Michalenko, MIC, Larry Dunn, MIC, Kevin Scallon, CM, Peter Rookey, OSM, Walter Gurgul, MIC, Joseph Whalen, MS, Casimir Krzyzanowski, MIC, and Bob Bedard, CC.

12. That Brother Alexander Chung, MIC be a very good listener and communicator, that he becomes and remains a very good, holy, and faithful priest with his Marian community, and that his ordination be very soon.

13. That I be graced to have a lifelong, and a very healthy, faithful, good, pure, innocent, chaste, joyful, holy, and loving Christian friendship with Linda Kratka, and that Linda Kratka will find a very affordable, inexpensive, and spacious home very soon, which has several good sized rooms, and that this home will be a place for Jesus, the Holy Family, and all of heaven.

14. For all of Maria English’s spiritual and temporal needs, for the salvation of Maria and her entire family line, past, present, and future, and for many special blessings and graces for all the people Maria prays for, especially their salvation.

15. That all Baptized Christians be powerfully graced to live a very holy, faithful, pure, virtuous, and loving life, and that they be also graced to be Jesus’ Light for all peoples, so all people convert and so the devil be left empty handed.

16. For all of Shari Krauser’s spiritual and temporal needs, for her protection, healing, and deliverance, and that she be now and always powerfully graced with the gifts of all heavenly virtues, especially wisdom, fortitude, peace, joy, and perseverance, so that Shari continues to grow in profound and unending trust, holiness, faith, hope and charity. May Shari also be given special graces to now and always have a very contrite, forgiving, prayerful, chaste, and repentant heart and be Jesus’ unfailing light in this world, so that Shari bring many people with her to heaven one day.

17. For the conversion of Kolbe Rose Pollock and Christina Haritos, and that Brother Patrick Lynch, MIC be graced now and always with a double portion of The Holy Family’s Spirit, so that he may always be Jesus’ Light for others, and through Mother Mary, may Brother Patrick always know and accomplish God’s Holy Will through his constant yes and fiat like Mother Mary. May he also be graced to bring many other souls to heaven with him one day.

18. Please pray for Ben. That he will some time this year come back to the Marians and be accepted. He did not renew last August, but I feel he is supposed to be here and he wants to return.

19. That very wise, just, holy, and moral decisions are always made in dealing with all worldly and Church situations, and that God keeps gracing all people so they all continue to grow in faithfulness and holiness, so that just, wise, holy, and moral laws always prevail in the Church and the world.

20. For the powerful and ongoing conversion of Father James Martin, S.J., may he become another St Paul for our times and spread Christ and His Gospel to the ends of the earth.

21. For the complete healing of Margo Joy and for all her spiritual and temporal needs, and all her intentions. May Margo be now and always powerfully united to the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary, and may she be powerfully blessed now, forever, and always with all the gifts and virtues of the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary. May Margo’s God given mission flourish abundantly and unite all Christians and Jews through the praying of the rosary and may this mission also reach many more souls, converting them and bringing them all to Jesus. May Margo be fully physically, mentally, and spiritually protected, and be now and always a little soul of St. Therese, The Little Flower and Jesus’ joyful and loving Light in the world, so that she brings many souls with her to heaven one day.

22. For all ongoing, ceaseless, and perpetual powerful and effective infinite prayers of the past, present, and future, be offered now, forever, and always for all peoples, intentions, circumstances, and everything. Grant everything, O Lord, past, present, and future, now, forever, and always, and in ongoing ceaseless perpetuity. May all these effective infinite prayers, bring infinite effective graces and blessings, and may they all be effectively unfailing, perfect, everlasting and eternal, continually increasing, and in ceaseless ongoing perpetuity, now, forever, and always, and even infinitely more.

23. For many ongoing prayers and blessings for all the living and deceased members of the Congregation of Marian Fathers of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, the Association of Marian Helpers, the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary, and the Brown and Blue Scapulars

Thank you and God bless you abundantly and ceaselessly
To Jesus through Mother Mary always

From:Brother Alexander Chung, MIC
January 3, 2025

Prayer for marriage

Lord help me to accept your will and to not push through with my wants. You know what’s the best for me. If it’s according to your will I ask in Jesus name that you bless Nikolay S. and my relationship, that you prepare us to become the partner the other one needs and that Nikolay S. And I will get married and treat the marriage as the holy sacrament it is. Thank you Señor Sto. Niño you blessed me already so much this year, I give you this big wish and desire of mine and ask in all humbleness that it may be granted by God our father Amen.

From:Bea Fahl
January 3, 2025

healing & restoration

Prayers for Mads’ enlightenment, wisdom, discernment & increase of faith & trust in God. May Mads not lean on his own understanding but seek God’s help & have godly counsels. May God bring Mads back to bible studies again if it’s for the good of his soul. May he trust the Lord that He is working & preparing our future.
Prayers for my relationship with Mads to be healed & restored. May God finally pave the way for us to be together, be reunited, & lead us to marriage.
Prayers for my son’s guidance in college & to be able to finish college.
Prayers for financial help to pay off our debts & pay for our expenses, needs & wants, especially for my son’s tuition fee & other school needs.
Prayers for Jia & Ivo to straighten their paths & have the right support & guidance.
In Jesus’ Mighty name I ask. Amen.

January 3, 2025

Special mass intention

Prayer for my family to have peace kind and forgiveness.
for me and my husband reconciliation.

From:Irene Nonog
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for EE, MPDNHFFAA, THTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. MFFSCSNFAA. MTHTTBDPDIN. TBTGAAM. MTHBDCMBPTMNHFFAA. MPDNHFTFFAA. MDWIMBYAMCHRAA. OENPTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. TTTVFWVMPVEMBLIAAMTHBD PTMNICTFHFFAA, AMMMBLENAPMAMUSTHBDNHFFAA, AMMMBMPTMNHFFAA, THBDPDNHFFAA, holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

protection and deliverance

house and lot deliverance, healing of heart and liver disease, forgiveness of sins, good health to madrona, conversion of cheryle carpinco florence carpinco, joel quinanola, zoya tojeno, marie tojeno, dante tojeno, marilyn cantiga, jaymar cantiga sr, jason vizcara, melogyn nevales, richard fernandez, jane fernandez, mark fernandez, elena mae cantiga, jaymar cantiga sr, jason campopanis, for the repsoe of souls of mario llamas, fernando llamas, hilario sr. soledad, teresita llamas, roy paduganan, charles almeida, juliet ello. mary ann paeduganan, alberto llamas

From:hilario n. llamas jr
January 3, 2025

Prayer for My Family

Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ, I come to you to pray for my family; Kuya, Mama Ayesha, Ayeina, Ate, Tito, Ako and Cassie that may you always bless us and shower us with your abundant blessings. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ nga dili na maligsod akoa pamily nga naa lang mo abot nga financial blessings and help na mabayaran namo tanan namo bayaron og utang. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my family nga pirmi himsog, baskog, maayong panglawas and healthy. I pray for my family’s complete healing and fast recovery, Oh Lord God Jesus Christ. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ nga dili masakit, malayo sa mga sakit, disgrasya, trahedya, dili maayong mga butang ug temptation akoa pamilya. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my family that may you always guide, help, protect and keep us safe. I pray to you Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ for your miracle that may our prayers, intentions and petitions imoha paburan Ginoo, please hear our prayers Lord God Jesus Christ. I pray that may we overcome every obstacles, problems, challenges, difficulties, kalisod, kainit, pain, anxiety, fear and suffering successfully amoa malagpasan Ginoo with your guidance and help. I pray Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ that may this day and the days to come, may this month and the months to come and may this year and the years to come that everything will be okay, will be better. I pray for better days, Lord God Jesus Christ, that only good things will happen to my family. I pray for your mercy and salvation Lord God Jesus Christ. I pray that may everything will be okay, everything will be better para sa akoa family. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ fort
the world’s healing and fast recovery that mawala na tanan disasters, trahedya, calamidad, pagbaha, sunog, landslide,linog, mga sakit og virus, kalisod, poverty, war, suffering, kainit and pain nga mawala na unta na sila tanan Ginoo og dili lang mahitabo that there will be only love, understanding, mercy, peace, prosperity, blessings, genuine happiness and forgiveness. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ that may you always lead us my family to the right direction and right path that may we always choose unsa ang sakto og maayo. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ sa akoa pamily that may we finds ways to make our lives better. I pray to yoh Lord God Jesus Christ that may this days only good things will happen. I pray for your mercy, salvation and I surrender everything to you Lord God Jesus Christ, Amen. Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ malooy ka naml Ginoo please tabangi mi sa amoa mga problema giatabang karon. Please give us strength, enlightement, wisdom, patience, courage and mercy sa pagsagubang sa mga problema na amo gi atubang karon. Malooy ka Ginoo please help and guide us all. Amen

From:Shydee Mariano
January 3, 2025

Prayer for My Family

Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ, I come to you to pray for my family; Kuya, Mama Ayesha, Ayeina, Ate, Tito, Ako and Cassie that may you always bless us and shower us with your abundant blessings. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ nga dili na maligsod akoa pamily nga naa lang mo abot nga financial blessings and help na mabayaran namo tanan namo bayaron og utang. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my family nga pirmi himsog, baskog, maayong panglawas and healthy. I pray for my family’s complete healing and fast recovery, Oh Lord God Jesus Christ. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ nga dili masakit, malayo sa mga sakit, disgrasya, trahedya, dili maayong mga butang ug temptation akoa pamilya. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my family that may you always guide, help, protect and keep us safe. I pray to you Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ for your miracle that may our prayers, intentions and petitions imoha paburan Ginoo, please hear our prayers Lord God Jesus Christ. I pray that may we overcome every obstacles, problems, challenges, difficulties, kalisod, kainit, pain, anxiety, fear and suffering successfully amoa malagpasan Ginoo with your guidance and help. I pray Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ that may this day and the days to come, may this month and the months to come and may this year and the years to come that everything will be okay, will be better. I pray for better days, Lord God Jesus Christ, that only good things will happen to my family. I pray for your mercy and salvation Lord God Jesus Christ. I pray that may everything will be okay, everything will be better para sa akoa family. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ fort
the world’s healing and fast recovery that mawala na tanan disasters, trahedya, calamidad, pagbaha, sunog, landslide,linog, mga sakit og virus, kalisod, poverty, war, suffering, kainit and pain nga mawala na unta na sila tanan Ginoo og dili lang mahitabo that there will be only love, understanding, mercy, peace, prosperity, blessings, genuine happiness and forgiveness. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ that may you always lead us my family to the right direction and right path that may we always choose unsa ang sakto og maayo. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ sa akoa pamily that may we finds ways to make our lives better. I pray to yoh Lord God Jesus Christ that may this days only good things will happen. I pray for your mercy, salvation and I surrender everything to you Lord God Jesus Christ, Amen. Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ malooy ka naml Ginoo please tabangi mi sa amoa mga problema giatabang karon. Please give us strength, enlightement, wisdom, patience, courage and mercy sa pagsagubang sa mga problema na amo gi atubang karon. Malooy ka Ginoo please help and guide us all. Amen

From:Shydee Mae Mariano
January 3, 2025

Prayer for Shiela

Prayer for the eternal repose of Shiela Mae Torevillas who passed away from cancer last December 2023. Had she lived,
She would have been celebrating her 44th birthday today.

From:Sicily Santos
January 3, 2025

My family needs

I am praying for you Snr Santo Nino, to look after my Family in Cebu, we lost our house on fire and we are grateful for your protection during the moment our house was on inferno, and all of us are safe, now we’re begging for your love and mercy asking and praying to bless us in good health as well financial blessings so that we can rebuild of what we had lost… we ask your mercy, love and compassion to hear and answer us in your Holy Name with the Father, his son Jesus Christ and with the Holy Spirit, One God forever and ever. Amen

From:Agnes Dabon-Monro
January 3, 2025

Prayer for the soul of Nena Sombilona

Prayer for the soul of my beloved grandmother Nena “Pinky” Sombilona. May her soul and other souls in purgatory find peace in the kingdom of the Lord.

From:Daphne Leigh Sun
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for EE, MPDNHFFAA, THTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. MFFSCSNFAA. MTHTTBDPDIN. TBTGAAM. MTHBDCMBPTMNHFFAA. MPDNHFTFFAA. MDWIMBYAMCHRAA. OENPTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. TTTVFWVMPVEMBLIAAMTHBD PTMNICTFHFFAA, AMMMBLENAPMAMUSTHBDNHFFAA, AMMMBMPTMNHFFAA, THBDPDNHFFAA, holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Prayer for My Family

I come to you Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ for my family that everything will be okay, and everything will be better. I pray to you Lord God Christ for my family’s complete healing, I pray for financial blessings and help. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for your mercy and salvation that may we overcome everything that my family’s difficulties, suffering and problems. Malooy ka sa akoa family Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for your mercy and salvation sa akoa family. This is all i ask in your name, Amen.

From:Shydee Mae Mariano
January 3, 2025

Healing and faster recovery

I ask and offer this prayer intention for a faster healing after my leg operation and unta makalakaw nako

From:Arthur Taan
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for EE, MPDNHFFAA, THTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. MFFSCSNFAA. MTHTTBDPDIN. TBTGAAM. MTHBDCMBPTMNHFFAA. MPDNHFTFFAA. MDWIMBYAMCHRAA. OENPTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. TTTVFWVMPVEMBLIAAMTHBD PTMNICTFHFFAA, AMMMBLENAPMAMUSTHBDNHFFAA, AMMMBMPTMNHFFAA, THBDPDNHFFAA, holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

To pass the NCLEX exam

I’m asking to please include me in your prayers… I, Yasmine Cogniat Corrigan, will be taking my NCLEX USRN exam on August 7, 2024 at 8am in PearsonVue Fairfield, California. Please help me pray that I will pass this NCLEX exam. Praying that I’ll understand, remember the reviews I’m doing right now, and correctly answer the questions. These I ask, Amen.

From:Yasmine Corrigan
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request

Lord, thank you for all the blessings you have given us. I ask for forgiveness for the times we have sinned and fallen short. Thank you for continuously providing us with help, even when life is difficult, you are there giving us strength and hope. Lord, I pray that you will not tire of listening to our prayers. You are so good, Father. Lord, I pray that you will continue to guide us, protect us from disasters, accidents, and especially illnesses, especially my family and most of all, my mother. Please grant her a long life, Lord, because I want her to experience a good life. Lord, with all the sacrifices she has made for us, I want to repay her. So please, Lord, always guide her, listen to her prayers and wishes.

Likewise, Lord, I ask for your help to give my brother, Glenn, hope. Give him additional wisdom so he can pass his CPA exam. Please help him, Lord, and grant his long-time wish to pass his CPA exam.

Lord, for my personal request, please take control of the state of my heart now, in the relationship I have with Ryan. Lord, if he is truly the one you have given me, touch his heart and mind to truly love me, to show me genuine love. I hope he will think about marrying me and starting a family with me. Please, Lord, give us a chance to have a baby. I hope he realizes that I also need his affection and true love. But Lord, if you think he is not the one for me, remove him from my life so I won’t be hurt deeply.

Please, Lord, listen to our prayers. We ask all of this in the name of Jesus, Amen.

January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for EE, MPDNHFFAA, THTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. MFFSCSNFAA. MTHTTBDPDIN. TBTGAAM. MTHBDCMBPTMNHFFAA. MPDNHFTFFAA. MDWIMBYAMCHRAA. OENPTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. TTTVFWVMPVEMBLIAAMTHBD PTMNICTFHFFAA, AMMMBLENAPMAMUSTHBDNHFFAA, AMMMBMPTMNHFFAA, THBDPDNHFFAA, holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

For school

Please pray for me na may our Señor Santo Niño hear my my prayers na makapasa po ako ngayong sem lalong lalo na po sa med surg and sana po maging 4th year regular student po ako next school year.

From:Maria Yzobel EscuderoDelos Santos
January 3, 2025

Prayer for my self ang family

Lord God,in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Thank you sa tanang grasya imong gihatag sa amo sa taga adlaw, sa kinabuhi diri sa kalibutan.

Lord God, pasayloa me sa among mga sala na na buhat sa kalibutan, sa mga silingan na among na ingnan sa mga sakit na pulong, na sa pag huna huna sa dili maayo sa among isig katawo.
Lord God, pasayloa ko sa akong mga sala, labi na sa sa pag storya ug paghuna huna sa akong mga lola ug dili maayo, labi na kung mag storya na siya. Mahibalik na ko ug hinumdom ang mga kaagi labi na na nalipat siya kong kasu an ko ni papa kay ni tubag tubag na pud ka sa iya. Lord pasayloa ko Lord, na dali kaayo ko kaayo masuko niya bisay gamay lang na butang among lalisan. Sorry Lord. Lord pasayloa ko kung masige ko ug kasilos sa akong mga igsoon, kabalo ko na dili dapat pero dili jud na ko mapugngan labi na kong si lola na ang hinugdan. Ma ibog man gud ko sa akong igsoon kay Tag don man sila ni lola, naa siya corncern sa akong mga igsoon,kung naa silay kinahinganlanon suportaan pangutan dayon sila ug paagi.Pero kung ako ngayo sa iya ug tabang, mo ingon dayon ug wala, kung tabang siya masuko na hinuon, kung hatag Tag suggestion masuko noon kay wala daw koy apil. Kung masakit o naa man siyay bation, atimanon siya dili ma pa kuan na ko, pero pag sa akong igsoon manawag na hinuon. Buhaton ko na murag wala sa ilang atubangan o diri sa balay, mura kog wala. Lord God, I know na ski dapat na kas ilisan, pero usahay dili jud na ko ma pugngan. Lord God pasta lua ko sa akong mga sala labi na sa akong mga saad, labi na na nag saad me sa among mga barkada na kung walay uyab na 27 na ang edad ,manhood na lang me ug pagka madre, Pero karong mag 27 na karong August morag dili na man hinuon ko ganahan ug sulod pagka-madri. Bisan pa ug wala koy uyab. Sa akong mga saad na mag Rosario ko pero dili ma dayon. Sorry Lord.

Lord God gives us a piece of mind sa among pamilya ug sa among mga kaparyentihan. Na untana kung unsa maning among mga negative na among gipangluom sa among mga kasing kasing unta mapa gawas na ning tanan, ang among mga kabalaka, mga problema na walay maka sultian ,unta na kuhaa ning tananLord God.

Lord God gives intelligence to solved our daily problem and trials with courage and determination .Gives us calmness to every situation we are going to face so that we can see the picture of the the situation and details. Lord God, sa among namatay na pasyente labi na sina Geraldo Juntilla ug Neceforo Navares untana pasayloon nimo sila sa ilang mga mga sala na na buhat sa kalibutan ug dal-on tana nimo sa imong gingharian. Lord God, tagaan tana nimo si mama ug Maayong lawas ug piece of mind na nagatrabaho sa gawas.u tana dili siya ma alala sa amo na naa sa Pilipinas. Ug sa akong mga igsoon na taan nimo sila ug kaalam, napag higugmaaon sa ugsag usa ug mali payo ang among mga kinabuhi.Lord God , hikapon ta nimo ako,kung unsa ning ako mga gibati na sakit, kabalaka ug anxiety o depression mawala na ning tanan. Lord tabagi ko Lordd ma malamdagan ko kung unsa ang akong mga trabahoon na na akong maapplyan , ma kuha unta ko ,. Lord Good thank you kaayo sa tanan.

From:Laurie anne cubelo
January 3, 2025

Prayers for the souls of:

John Ethan Aries V. Amencia
Carmelo Padilla
Mariafe Nodado

January 3, 2025

Successful Operation for Avelina Ortiz

Praying for good health and a successful operations for Mama Avelina Ortiz.

January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for EE, MPDNHFFAA, THTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. MFFSCSNFAA. MTHTTBDPDIN. TBTGAAM. MTHBDCMBPTMNHFFAA. MPDNHFTFFAA. MDWIMBYAMCHRAA. OENPTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. TTTVFWVMPVEMBLIAAMTHBD PTMNICTFHFFAA, AMMMBLENAPMAMUSTHBDNHFFAA, AMMMBMPTMNHFFAA, THBDPDNHFFAA, holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

Pamisa alang sa kalag

Pamisa alang sa kalag nila ni:

Ma. Morgan
Ma. Victoria
Rey Ian

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for EE, MPDNHFFAA, THTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. MFFSCSNFAA. MTHTTBDPDIN. TBTGAAM. MTHBDCMBPTMNHFFAA. MPDNHFTFFAA. MDWIMBYAMCHRAA. OENPTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. TTTVFWVMPVEMBLIAAMTHBD PTMNICTFHFFAA, AMMMBLENAPMAMUSTHBDNHFFAA, AMMMBMPTMNHFFAA, THBDPDNHFFAA, holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025

Passing the Viva Exam

Prayer for passing the Viva Exam on June 12

From:Sheila L.
January 3, 2025


protection and deliverance, to overcome financial crisis, good health to madrona, physical healing, forgiveness of sins, conversion of cheryle carpinco, lorence carpinco, joel quinanola, jaymar cantiga sr, jaymar cantiga jr, elena mae cantioga, jason vizcara, dante to0jeno, zoya tojeno, ma. lilibeth llamas, for the repose of souls of pinda luz de los reyes, joseph tan, aster tan, mario llamas, feranndo llamas, hilario sr, soledad, charles, fiona

From:hilario n. llamas jr.
January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Prayer for the Souls

Prayer for the souls of: Arturo Pelenio, Pedro, Blaza, Adriano, Maria, Zosimo, and to all souls in purgatory. Amen.

From:Kuennie Marie Pelenio
January 3, 2025

Pray for the souls

Pray for the souls of:
1. Josephine
2. Siena Mary
3. Bertoldo
4. Modesta
5. Patricio
6. Veronica
7. Arvin
8. Regina
9. Leo
10. Roel
11. Esperanza
12. Marcelo
13. Linda
14. Severino
15. Ernie
16. Juan
17. Rosario
18. Maximo
19. Eden
20. Alberto
21. Bertulfo
22. Barbara Ann
23. Almira

From:Colegado family
January 3, 2025

request prayer

I ask for prayers for my father Pasquale so that he can sell my grandparents’ house. My father, in order to treat my sister, who had been suffering from cancer for 4 years and then died, had to make up debts and now he has to pay them off with the sale of this house.

January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy Feast day of the Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary on June 8th, 2024. Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for EE, MPDNHFFAA, THTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. MFFSCSNFAA. MTHTTBDPDIN. TBTGAAM. MTHBDCMBPTMNHFFAA. MPDNHFTFFAA. MDWIMBYAMCHRAA. OENPTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. TTTVFWVMPVEMBLIAAMTHBD PTMNICTFHFFAA, AMMMBLENAPMAMUSTHBDNHFFAA, AMMMBMPTMNHFFAA, THBDPDNHFFAA, holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Australia visa grant/approval for Lizette Aiah Baring

Dear Sto Niño, please help us pray to our Almighty Father God. Have mercy on us. Please grant Aiah’s visa. Please touch the heart of the immigration officer and ask her to grant Aiah’s application. I pray that the documents submitted are enough. We promise to pray to all the days of our lives and share our blessings to those in need. Please hear our prayer. Amen

From:Lizette Aiah Baring
January 3, 2025

Prayer Request please. Thank you. God Bless.

Happy Feast day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ on June 7th, 2024. Happy month of June dedicated to The Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ. Requesting urgent and unceasing prayers for President Trump please, as he has been falsely accused. The Truth is that President Trump has been chosen by God as God’s leader and proponent of doing God’s will in Holy Love. President Trump is being persecuted. The fate of the world hinges on this. Thank You. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

Prayers for Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI please. JFPBXVIMNFAA. Immediate Proclamation of the Fifth Marian Dogma stating that Blessed Virgin Mary is Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix and Advocate. Obedience to God’s Commandments worldwide. One nation under God and the world under God. Defeat One World Order and One World Government led by the Antichrist. Mitigate World War Three. God’s Blessings and Graces always. Prayers for EE, MPDNHFFAA, THTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. MFFSCSNFAA. MTHTTBDPDIN. TBTGAAM. MTHBDCMBPTMNHFFAA. MPDNHFTFFAA. MDWIMBYAMCHRAA. OENPTTBDCPTMNHFFAA. TTTVFWVMPVEMBLIAAMTHBD PTMNICTFHFFAA, AMMMBLENAPMAMUSTHBDNHFFAA, AMMMBMPTMNHFFAA, THBDPDNHFFAA, holy Masses, Rosaries of the Unborn, Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ prayers, Rosaries, God’s Will, God’s Graces, Eucharistic Adoration prayers worldwide, Conversion of the heart of the world, Consecration to The United Hearts, Spiritual Victories and Outpouring of The Holy Spirit worldwide! Abortion is Murder. Abortion kills all the Aborted Babies and all their future generations. Please End all Abortions, End all Sex Abuse, End all Abomination, install Godly leaders worldwide, End all War worldwide and implement World Peace by way of Holy Love, Conversion of the heart of the world, implement Godly marriages and families worldwide, End All Sin, End all Satanic activities, End Coronavirus Pandemic and End Mark of the Beast. Renewal of faith worldwide in Holy Love Sacred Tradition and by recitation of the Apostles Creed by all souls many times throughout each day. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Consecration to Saint Joseph Novenas are being prayed worldwide. Daddy Saint Joseph Terror of demons and Defender of Truth, please come to my and our aid. Thank You Daddy. I Love You. God’s will be done. Amen.

New investigations have been launched to determine the Truth behind the November 3rd, 2020 US elections and the fallout. God The Father Almighty, You know everything. Please expose the Truth and Vindicate good in this and all issues worldwide in Your Omnipotence. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

May The Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary and The Omnipotent United Hearts of The Most Holy Trinity, Triumph and Reign. Eucharistic Reign worldwide. Amen. Alleluia.

Hello Daddy God The Father on this auspicious occasion as I have finished tons of Your Infallible projects, missions worldwide, prayers and novenas, please release me from this lifelong slavery into my next God-given vocation. Evil continues to do evil to me and others unjustly. Enough is enough. I Love You Daddy God and I Thank You for everything especially for special favors granted and promised. You are my everything. I need not substantiate as You know everything. I Love You to Infinity. I put all my Trust in You my Most Holy Trinity and my Loving Most Holy Family. Please come to my aid and to the aid of Your creation. You are Omnipotent and Omnipresent. You do Miracles. Please make the impossible possible. Blessed Mother Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix, please come to my and our aid. Lord Jesus Christ You have the power to defeat all evil, please do it. Thank You to All of Heaven. I beg Your favorable Infallible UNCEASING intercession always. Thank You for everything. PT needs help, please do as God wishes. Thank You so much for Pro-Life PT chosen by God. God’s Warning. Illumination of Consciences worldwide. Three Days of darkness miracle. Repentance and Reparation prayers and sacrifices worldwide. Holy prayerful pilgrimages. Spiritual Victories. Vindicate Truth! Everyone must carry their crosses. Conversion of the heart of the world. Daddy God, You know what to do, please do it now. Thank You from the bottom of my heart. I Love You. God’s will be done always. Amen. Alleluia.

Please drain the swamp, exterminate all evil permanently worldwide, do exorcisms worldwide, do countless miracles worldwide, stop all Abortions, all sex abuse, all abomination and all sin worldwide. Pour out Your Most Holy Spirit of Truth worldwide and make Truth victorious over all evil now and forever. Prayers for souls in Purgatory and the souls of all Aborted Babies and their Guardian Angels. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ please cover all good and make good victorious over all evil. Most Holy Eucharist, holy Masses and holy Rosaries especially Rosaries of the Unborn, please come to our aid. God’s will be done. Amen.


Mary, Protectress of the Faith and Mary, Refuge of Holy Love, please come to my and our aid. I beg the Infallible UNCEASING intercession of The Omnipotent Most Holy Trinity, The Most Holy Family, Saint Michael the Archangel, Warrior Angels, All Choirs of Holy Angels, All souls in Purgatory, All Aborted Babies and the Guardian Angels of All Aborted Babies, All Saints, All of Heaven and all graces always. Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, please cover me and cover all good and make good victorious over all evil.

Oh Saint Michael, the Archangel, pierce the heart of the world with your Sword of Truth. Help the world to see the fallacy of propaganda which is fed to the public starving for Truth. Saint Michael, you are our defender and safeguard against evil. Place your Shield of Truth over us and defend us in the battle which Satan wages against Truth. Help us to see the righteous path of Holy Love. Clarify our choices between good and evil by placing us always behind your Shield of Truth. Amen. God’s will be done. Amen. Alleluia.

Holy and Sacred Wounds, hidden in the shoulder of Jesus Christ throughout His Passion, to you I surrender my greatest and most urgent needs. Cover my petitions with Your Most Precious Blood, Lord Jesus Christ, thus preventing any evil from prevailing over these needs. Now present in Your most painful wounds and by merit of Your suffering, I trust my prayers will be answered. Amen. Alleluia. Maranatha!

January 3, 2025


For the spirits of our beloved ones who have passed away, as well as all souls in purgatory and those left unremembered. Gratitude is offered in a mass for the abundance of blessings and divine favors received. May the upcoming year be brimming with vitality, increased blessings, well-being, achievements, and joy for our entire family, dear ones, and friends. Lastly, let us seek harmony and serenity across the globe.

From:Rico Gonzales Domingo
January 3, 2025

Nursing Registration in Australia

I humbly pray and ask to our dear Sr. Santo Nino guide and assist me and grant me the knowledge and wisdom to pass my NCLEX exam and OSCE to become a registered nurse in Australia. And most of all, I ask for continuous guidance and keep my loved ones safe and away from harm and illnesses. Thank you so much Sr. Santo Niño for your abundant blessings in good and bad times. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me and for my family and all the miracles you have showered upon me. Thank you dear baby Jesus. I love you so much! In Jesus Name I Pray. Amen!

January 3, 2025

Prayers For My Family

I come to you Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus to pray for my family; Kuya, Mama, Ayesha, Ayeina, Tito, Ako and Cassie that may you always bless us and shower us with your abundant blessings. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my family’s complete healing and fast covery nga pirmi himsog, baskog, maayong panglawas and healthy akoa family. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ nga dili na masakit, malayo sa mga sakit, disgrasya, trahedya, di maayong butang og temptation akoa family. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my family’s long life and stability. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ that may you always guide, help, protect and keep my family safe. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my family’s genuine happiness, peace of mind and mental health. I pray to you Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ for my family that may this day and the days to come, that may this month and the months to come and may this year and the years to come that everything will be better. I pray for my family’s prosperity, shower with abundant blessings, good health, long and stable life, guidance, help, protection and keep us safe always. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my family and individually of us nga wala na unta problema, kalisod, difficulties, trials, suffering, obstacles and challenges na maabot o mo abot for we’ve learn our lesson and forever grateful and thankful that through our ups and downs ypu never abandoned us. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my Family’s financial blessings and financial help. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ nga dili nami maglisod. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my family that through your guidance and help may we overcome every problems, difficulties, trials, suffering obstacles and kalisod successfully. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ that may everything will be okay, that everythong will be better. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for My Family that may our prayers, intentions and petitions imoha paburan. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ sa akoa family that may we could find ways to make our lives better. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my family that may our goals and dreams amoa ma achieve. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my family that may you always lead us to the right direction and right path that may we always choose unsa ang sakto og mas maayo. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ sa akoa family that may this day and the days to come that only good things will happen. I pray to you Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ for my Kuya that may all his goals and dreams sa pagwork abroad iyaha ma achieve. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my Kuya that may all his sacrifices, hardwork and patience will pay off. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my Kuya that may you awlays guide and help him in everything that he do and decisions that he will be making, that he will overcome every problems and temptation. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my Kuya’s peace of mind, mental health and genuine happiness. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my Kuya that may you always guide and help him especially sa mga problema na iyaha maagian og giagian karon, please lead him always to the right path and direction that may he will always choose unsa ang sakto og maayo, I pray that may always give him the wisdom, courage, enlightenment, and strength. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ sa akoa Kuya that may he will always remember that he has you and us his family on his side. Please help my Kuya, Lord God Jesus Christ sa iyaha work that he could rest and dili kaau siya stress nga dili na siya magkasakit. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my Kuya that he will always call and chat na unta sa amoa everyday. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my Kuya nga ang iyaha gi workan na company maayo lang ang dagan pirmi. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ for my Kuya that may you will always bless him and shower him with your abundant blessings. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my Kuya’s complete healing and fast recovery nga pirmi lang unta himsog ako kuya, baskog, maayong panglawas and healthy. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ sa ako kuya nga dili na siya masakit, malayo sa mga sakit, disgrasya, trahedya, dili maayong mga butang og temptation. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my Kuya nga maayo og mawala na ang sakit og labad sa iyaha ulo, dili na sungguhon si kuya. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ that may you always guide, help, protect and keep him safe. I pray to you Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ for my mama’s complete healing and fast recovery. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my mama nga maayo og mawala na iyaha ubo, sipon, labad og sakit sa ulo, sakit sa tiya, kabuhi, luas, sakit sa bukton, sakit sa dughan og uban pa niyang mga sakit ug gipamati sa lawas na maayo og mawala na. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my mama’s peace of mind, mental health and genuine happiness. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my mama’s long life and stability. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for my mama that may you always guide, help, protect and keep her safe. I also pray Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ for Ayesha and Ayeina’s complete healing and fast recovery. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ nga maayo og mawala na ang ubo, sipon, mga sakit og gipamati ni Ayesha and Ayeina sa ilaha lawas. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for Ayesha and Ayeina that may you always bless them and shower with your abundant blessings. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ for Ayesha and Ayeina that may you always guide and help them sa ilaha pag eskwela nga dali ra sila makasabot sa ilaha lessons, maninguha sila tuon and dagko ilaha grado. I pray Lord God Jesus Christ that may you always guide, help, protect and keep Ayesha and Ayeina safe. I pray to you Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus for the world’s healing and fast recovery nga wala lang kalisod, trahedya, disasters, calamaties, pagbaha, sunog, landslide, linog, mga sakit and virus, kainit, poverty, war, suffering, pain, temptation and problems nga dili na unta mahitabo. I pray to you Lord God Jesus Christ that there will only be kindness, peace, love, prosperity, good things, genuine happiness and blessings for us your people. I pray to you Snr. Sto. Niño Our Lord God Jesus Christ for your mercy, salvation and I surrender everything to you, Please ayaw mi sa akoa family pasagdi Lord God Jesus Christ kay wala mi kahibalo asa mi paingon. Life has been so hard on us, I pray nga ma okay na ang tanan. This All I ask in your name, Amen.

From:Shydee Mae Mariano
January 3, 2025

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