Sinulog is the fiesta in honor of the Holy Child Jesus; thus, the BMSN offered a mass to celebrate the splendor of the youth through the Children’s Mass during 8:30 in the morning on the 4th day of the novena masses. The students from the Colegio del Sañto Niño attended the mass as the sponsoring school together with their children’s choir.
Rev. Fr. Vicente Amplayo, OSA, the presiding priest, spoke about what it means to have found the Messiah. He had three points we can reflect on: 1) Lamb of God, 2) Where do you stay?, and 3) Come and See.
“Behold the Lamb of God.” Evangelization is not about proclaiming our own ideas but Him who we call the Lamb of God. Just like Andrew the disciple, we are challenged to bring people closer to Jesus.
Asking “Where do you stay?” means we have that interest to know more about someone. When the disciples asked Jesus, they’re asking to know more about him. Likewise, we should invest time on knowing Jesus more. Consequently, we should ask ourselves where we are staying. Let us reflect on our selves and ask, “Where are am I in my life right now?” Let us look back to our point of origin—our family, our workplace, our community. How do we treat others? Are we living our lives by the teachings of our Lord? Is there a need to renew ourselves?
Today, we focus too much on our worries and anxieties that we forget what is essential. Jesus asked us to “Come and see.” Come to Him and see what is truly important in our lives. Let us come and submit ourselves to Him. See how and believe that He will get rid of our worries and anxieties.
Fr. Amplayo also reminded us to question ourselves if we really are devotees or just plain fanatics? Reflect on our actions and ask ourselves if it’s time to be renewed disciples. Furthermore, let us inspire others and bring them closer to God. This is the new and authentic evangelization.
As a conclusion to his homily, Fr. Amplayo reminded the parents that the youth today is bombarded with worldly things and it is their duty to let them see the beauty of faithfulness to the Lord and also, to their spouse. Let the youth “Come and see.” Let the youth be inspired.
Eunice Jose | BMSN Media Center Student Volunteer