Be an Augustinian Friar

How does one become an Augustinian?
Anyone who has met the requirements can be an Augustinian Brother or Priest.
A series of programs together, known as the Formation Program, set the course for those who feel that they might be called to the Augustinian way of life.
An eligible candidate (High School graduate, College student or College Degree Holder) will be asked to take the preliminary IQ Examinations and he will be invited to join the Search-In and Vocation Seminar.
If the individual then feels called to examine the Augustinian life more closely, he may apply for acceptance into the Order and spend years of further studies and formation.

Certificates of Baptism and Confirmation Birth Certificate (Authenticated by NSO) Certificate of Catholic Marriage of Parents Certificates of Good Moral Character from an Academic Superior or Parish Priest Medical Certificates Police or NBI Clearance
High School Graduates:
NSAT result of at least 80% From 137 (Report Card) with an academic average of at least 85%
College Students/Degree Holders:
Transcript of Records with an academic average of 2.0 or its equivalent Certificate of Transfer Credential