Mother of Good Counsel Confraternity honors Mary in Tree Growing Activity

Mother of Good Counsel Confraternity honors Mary in Tree Growing Activity

Mother of Good Counsel Confraternity

Photo by: Kaye Gabutan

With the project dubbed as “Hail Mary Tree Planting: Culminating the Season of Creation,” the newly established Confraternity of the Our Mother of Good Counsel (COMGC) of the Basilica Minore del Santo Niño de Cebu (BMSN) hosted the closing of the Province’s observation of the Season of Creation 2021 celebration through a tree growing activity that was held on October 10, 2021 at the Santo Niño Spirituality Center (SNSC) in Consolacion, Cebu.

Around 50 members of the confraternity alongside their Spiritual Director, Rev. Fr. Pacifico C. Nohara, OSA, joined the activity which honors the Blessed Virgin Mary.

The Santo Niño de Cebu Social Development Foundation, Inc. (SNAF) headed by Rev. Fr. John Ion Miranda, OSA, Executive Director, the main organizer of the Province’s Season of Creation 2021 campaign, also participated in the event.

Fr. Miranda said that tree planting does not end after planting but it continues until seeing the tree grow, hence it is now called a tree growing activity instead of tree planting.

A total of 118 trees of langka, mabolo, narra and avocado were planted during the activity.

To continue their actions in saving our ‘common home’, the confraternity pledges to do the same activity every year.

They have chosen the nearest Sunday to October 4, the closing of the Season of Creation which falls on the feast of St. Francis of Assisi.

Rev. Fr. Candido Saladaga, OSA, SNSC Prior, expressed his gratitude to the organization for their initiative.


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