In honor of the liturgical feast of the Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary and in celebration of the rosary month, the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu (BMSN) spearheaded by the BMSN Augustinian Vocation Promoters (AVP) organized a living rosary on October 7, 2023.
The activity was participated by the different mandated organizations and volunteer groups of the Basilica, who lighted the rosary beads.
The living rosary beautifully exemplifies solidarity and unity as one community.
As emphasized by St. John Paul II, the rosary is not just a personal prayer but a collective expression of human solidarity, a prayer of the redeemed that mirrors Mary’s intention as the first redeemed and the mother and image of the church.
It’s a prayer for all people throughout history, uniting us as part of the Body of Christ. This prayer forms a covenant, echoing Christ’s own prayer to the Father for unity, aiming to inspire belief in the Father’s mission.
October holds a special significance in the Catholic Church as it is dedicated to the “Month of the Holy Rosary.” This devotion aligns with the celebration of the Marian advocation known as “Our Lady of the Rosary” on October 7th.
The feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, also recognized as Our Lady of Victory or Victories, was formally instituted by Pope St. Pius V in the year 1571. This commemoration marks the miraculous triumph of Christian forces in the Battle of Lepanto, which took place on the very same date, October 7th.
Interestingly, prior to this pivotal battle, St. Pius V had implored Western Christians to fervently pray the rosary. Consequently, he attributed the victory not to the might of ships and cannons alone but also to the potent and unifying influence of the Marian prayer.