Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today’s Reflection
Gospel: Mt 18: 15-20
September  10, 2023 | Sunday

Today’s Gospel

If your brother has sinned against you, go and point out the fault to him, when the two of you are alone; and if he listens to you, you have won back your brother. If he doesn’t listen to you, take with you one or two others, so that the case may be decided by the evidence of two or three witnesses. And if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the assembled Church. But if he does not listen to the Church, then regard him as a pagan or a tax collector. I say to you: whatever you bind on earth, heaven will keep bound; and whatever you unbind on earth, heaven will keep unbound. In like manner, I say to you, if, on earth, two of you agree in asking for anything, it will be granted to you by my heavenly Father; for where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there, among them.”

Today’s Reflection:

Love is the fulfillment of the Law. When then, is love made real? Love becomes real through Patient Forgiveness. The whole of Christ’s teachings revolves around this. He taught this because He also practiced the same principle. Christ is the visible love of the Father and the Spirit to humanity. The perfect sacrificial act of worship wrought on the Cross proves that no amount of sin can separate us from the Father. Such an example teaches us what love really is about by God’s standards. It is being patient and forgiving. After His example, we are called to follow and fraternally correct each other out of love. It is nice to ask ourselves the question: What are the steps I should take in order to show God’s love to others? May we be able to follow Christ’s example constantly in life? /Vulnerasti, 2023. 

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