Wednesday of the Sixth Week of Easter

Today’s Reflection
Gospel: Jn 16: 12-15
May 17, 2023 | Wednesday

Today’s Gospel

I still have many things to tell you, but you cannot bear them now. When he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into the whole truth.

For he will not speak of his own authority, but will speak what he hears, and he will tell you about the things which are to come. He will take what is mine and make it known to you; in doing this, he will glorify me. All that the Father has is mine; for this reason, I told you that the Spirit will take what is mine, and make it known to you.

Today’s Reflection:

This Gospel begins with Jesus telling His disciples that there is much more for Him to tell them. However, Jesus realizes that they are striving to absorb and understand what He had been saying. He understood that at this point, they did not have the capacity to absorb anything more. However, Jesus reminds them that when the Spirit comes, the Spirit will guide them to all the truth. He tells them that the Spirit will speak to them about the things that will come. Then Jesus not only foretells His departure, but He also assures that in the future, He will return but in a new and different way!

Just as Jesus reassured His disciples, Jesus also reassures us. Today He also is telling us that He not only will come to us, but He already is among us! Jesus comes to us in the breaking of the bread! And when we, His followers, are gathered, Jesus is with us and among us! Do we recognize Jesus with us? Do we experience His presence, His love, and His grace? Today, may our minds and hearts be awake and alert to His coming! We don’t want to miss Him! What a loss that would be! /Vulnerasti, 2023 

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