Wednesday of the Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time

Wednesday of the Twenty-Third Week in Ordinary Time

Today’s Reflection
Gospel: Lk 6:20-26
September 7, 2022 | Wednesday

Today’s Gospel

Then, looking at his disciples, Jesus said, “Fortunate are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours. Fortunate are you, who are hungry now, for you will be filled. Fortunate are you, who weep now, for you will laugh. Fortunate are you, when people hate you, when they reject you and insult you and number you among criminals, because of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven. Remember, that is how the ancestors of the people treated the prophets. But alas for you, who have wealth, for you have been comforted now. Alas for you, who are full, for you will go hungry. Alas for you, who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep. Alas for you, when people speak well of you, for that is how the ancestors of the people treated the false prophets.

Today’s Reflection:

The Beatitudes in today’s Gospel can only be understood in relationship to our neighbor and God. For each beatitude, two groups of people are contrasted: the poor and the rich; the hungry and the filled; those who weep and laugh and those who are denounced on account of Jesus and those who are well-spoken of, yet are far from being true prophets.

To those whose lives are filled by God’s spiritual consolation, the Lord leaves this promise: “Rejoice and leap for joy on that day! Behold your reward is great in heaven!” Such prophecy impels us to choose how we want to live our lives: are we satiated by things and pleasures of this world to the detriment of our spiritual life? Or do we find rest in God following the example of Christ? Our Lord Jesus emptied himself to the condition of a humble servant (cf. Phil. 2,6-9). In such a condition, he was free to love and serve. In his lowliness in the form of a servant—along with the poor, the hungry, and the weeping, etc. he encountered humanity; in their affliction, he turned to the Father and offered them their fill and consolation.

Alas, contrary to Jesus, in his comfortable existence, man at times easily forgets about the Kingdom of God and its plea. May we follow Christ’s example that we may be exalted like him (cf. Phil. 2,10). /Vulnerasti, 2022

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