The Sinulog is a reflection of the devotion and undying faith of the Cebuanos to the Sñr. Sto. Niño; and this devotion has been passed on from generation to generation.
In its 454th year celebration of the Fiesta Señor, Basilica bestows an image of Señor Santo Niño to Mactan Cebu International Airport on January 14, 2019.
In its 454th year celebration of the Fiesta Señor, Basilica bestows an image of Señor Santo Niño to Mactan Cebu International Airport on January 14, 2019.
In its 454th year celebration of the Fiesta Señor, Basilica bestows an image of Señor Santo Niño to Mactan Cebu International Airport on January 14, 2019.
It has been a remarkable moment for Cebu City Jail specifically in the Cebu City Operation Second Chance Center (CCOSCC) to welcome the image of the Holy Child Señor Santo Niño de Cebu.