An Answered Prayer The prayers of devotees from the island of Mactan have been heard as this year’s Traslacion and Fluvial Parade will finally include the Nuestra Señora de Regla Parish National Shrine in Lapu-Lapu City as one of the destinations for the images of the Miraculous Child and Our […]
May 15, 1565—- According to Rev. Fr. Benedicto Tao, this was the start of the devotion to Señor Sto. Niño right exactly where the Basilica Minore Del Santo Nino is being built today. It first dated way back in April 27, 1565 wherein the Spanish came to the Philippines together […]
Filial and Faithful Much of the religious aspect in our Filipino culture is a result of over three hundred years under the influence of our Spanish colonizers. A catholic-dominated country, the Philippines continues to enrich many traditions from the faith we once borrowed and we’ve now come to call as […]
Sinulog is the fiesta in honor of the Holy Child Jesus; thus, the BMSN offered a mass to celebrate the splendor of the youth through the Children’s Mass during 8:30 in the morning on the 4th day of the novena masses. The students from the Colegio del Sañto Niño attended […]
“An optimistic person sees an opportunity in every calamity, while a pessimistic person sees calamity in every opportunity.” This was the opening statement of Rev. Fr. Clyde Salitrero, OCARM during the last Novena Mass for the second day. He emphasized that being a true disciple or devotee means being optimistic […]
The Fiesta Señor is one of the most awaited festivals of the Philippines and its annual celebration is a highlight of Cebu City. The fiesta, which gathers thousands of people even those from outside the country, does not only illustrate the cultural aspect but also the religious traditions of Filipino […]
Students and teachers from Villanova College, Australia through the A. F. A.S. or Australian Filipino Augustinian Solidarity met the homeless children living around the Basilica complex. The Basilica del Sto. Niño Children’s Welfare Foundation, Inc. arranged the encounter on September 17, 2017 during the weekly feeding program. It was a […]
On the early morning of September 23, 2017, around 40 members of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion of the Basilica went to Greenhills, San Fernando to plant trees. The Committee on Socio-PastoralApostolate and the officers of the organization spearheaded the tree planting activity. It was a collaborative work between […]
It has been a tradition of the Augustinian friars when they pray, they dedicate a beautiful Marian prayer “Sub Tuum Præsidium” (Under Your Protection) as its conclusion. It is as though they put all their works and apostolates under the protective mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary. She would defend […]